Download Flex Admin - Responsive Admin Template

Download Flex Admin - Responsive Admin Template



Up to date with Bootstrap 3.1!
Flex Admin is a responsive, lightweight admin template built for easy implementation. The template includes a wide range of features including powerful jQuery plugins and a variety of pre-designed example pages. When you purchase Flex Admin, you will also have access to dedicated email support for help with any questions you may have when working with the template.

Flex Admin - Responsive Admin Template

Dedicated Email Support

When purchasing Flex Admin, you will have access to dedicated email support. We want your experience working with Flex Admin to be as seamless as the template itself, and will answer any questions you may have regarding the template via email as soon as possible once a request is received.

New in v1.2!

  • Updated Dashboard UI with New Styles/Features
  • Flex UI Branded Logo and Navbar Image
  • New Feature: Flex Tiles - Tile UI Style Content Boxes
  • New Feature: Custom Date/Time Widget Added (Changes depending on the time of day!)
  • New Feature: Custom Logout Dialogue
  • New Feature: Custom Checkable To-Do List
  • New Feature: Custom CSS Transitions on Page Loads
  • New Plugin: jVector Maps
  • New Plugin: Easy Pie Charts
  • New Plugin: HISRC Responsive/Retina Images
  • New Plugin: Moment.js
  • New Plugin: Pace.js
  • New Plugin: Popup Overlay jQuery Modals
  • Site-Wide HTML, CSS, and JS Format Cleanup
  • CSS Visibility Improvements for Easy Editing
  • Documentation Improvements on the Modals/Widgets Page
  • jQuery DataTables Theme Update
  • Full Calendar Plugin Responsiveness Issue Addressed

Featured Pages

  • Dashboard
  • Calendar
  • Mailbox
  • Compose Message
  • Chat Widget
  • User Profile
  • Invoice
  • Pricing Tables
  • FAQ Page
  • Search Results
  • Login Basic
  • Login Social
  • 404 Error
  • 500 Error
  • Blank Page

Featured Plugins

  • Bootstrap Datepicker
  • Bootstrap Maxlength
  • Bootstrap Multiselect
  • Bootstrap Social Buttons
  • Bootstrap Timepicker
  • Bootstrap Tokenfield
  • DataTables
  • Daterangepicker
  • Dropzone
  • Flot Charts
  • Full Calendar
  • Ladda Button Spinners
  • Messenger
  • Morris.js
  • Slimscroll
  • Sparkline Charts
  • Summernote

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