Download Jarvis - Smart Admin Template
Jarvis - Smart Admin Template
Simple yet innovative, JARVIS admin template is one of a kind. Jarvis uses state of the art custom cut features that are tested for reliability and robust performance with a blend of the latest design trends. All updates are absolutely FREE!!
In Brief...
- Carefully hand coded from head to toe
- Contains commented CSS
- Includes documentation
- Built with Bootstrap 3.1.1 (also includes 2.3.x version)
- Access to all bootstrap library
- Retina Font Face icons (over 100)
- Customized color icons (over 500)
- w3 valid cross browser compatible HTML5 markup. (Supports for IE8+)
- Unique, never seen before, localStorage Widgets with custom controls for the users
- 3level Accordion Menu (value of $7.00)
- Comes with 5 different predefined themes
- Scales to almost any size (Fluid/Responsive)
- All images used are compressed using punypng compressor
- Optimized for iDevices (certain jquery are only fired depending on the device the user is on)
- Responsive Table
- CSS3 Animated
- Modern Form Element (jQuery select2, uniform, colorpicker, datepicker, validation, iDevice buttons and wizard)
- Dynamic Data Table with export to PDF/Excel
- Flot and Canvas Charts (d3 js engine)
- And many more features...
We also provide topnotch email support for all our customers!**
Very smooth script to work with. It is not obfuscated nor hard coded, so you can use it as a starting point and build your own app on top of it or embed it into an ongoing project. Best buy so far! - John Barlaus (Web Developer)
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