Features & Benefits
- Bootstrap 3.3.2
- Off-canvas menu so you're not limited to 6-8 top level links
- 10 Different Professional Color Schemes
- Different looking than most, if not all, of the themes out there
- Fat finger friendly for touch screens
- Font Logo or Image Logo
- Horizontal or Tall Logo
- Fluid and Responsive (not choppy)
- A variety of slider layouts to choose from
- Seriously easy to upgrade Bootstrap’s CSS and JS
- Works smoothly in modern browsers and IE 9+
- Extensive Documentation
- A variety of useful page layouts
- Scrollspy and Fixed Sidebar
- Filtered Blog and Portfolio
- Tabs turn into collapse on small viewports
- Working contact form in PHP and Ajax with validation
The docs provide the full link to their GitHub repo and/or original source. All scripts are MIT or another Open Source license.
- assets/js/jquery.main.js This contains the accordion script for the menu, various initializations/custom scripts and the following:
- assets/js/modernizr.2.8.3.js source feature detection library.
- assets/js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js source javascript library
- assets/js/windows-fix.js source
- assets/js/jquery.touch-swipe.js source adds the ability to add touch swiping
- assets/js/bootstrap.min.js bootstrap’s jquery
- assets/js/jquery.bootstrap.addon.js various initializations and the tab-collapse add on for bootstrap’s js
- tab-collapse plugin source
- assets/jsjquery.slick-slider.min.js source the script and initializations for the various carousels. This is version 1.3.3 of the carousel NOT 2 (which is in beta).
- assets/js/jquery.magnific-popup.js source script and initializations used for modal, image overlays, etc.,
- assets/js/jquery.validate.min.js source jQuery form validation
- assets/js/jquery.form.min.js source the jQuery Form Plugin allows you to easily and unobtrusively upgrade HTML forms to use AJAX
- assets/js/jquery.isotope.masonry.js source masonry layout and filtering for portfolio and blog page
Icon Fonts
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